
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Action Scénique vzw

Action Scénique vzw


Action Scénique regroups, supports and promotes the choreographic work of Claire Croizé, Nada Gambier and Etienne Guilloteau


Azione Scenica, a term from the world of opera, was used for the first time by Luigi Lamberti in the 18th century. With this term he expressed a rupture with the traditional opera of that time: away from the narrative and illusional drama and back to the here and now of the stage.

They take their creed seriously: they act on the stage, in the here and the now, for the spectator. No narrative, overdeveloped, aesthetic end product to be easily consumed. They pick their means (be it theatre, dance, light, music or photography) and share their research that hovers between theatricality and physicality, between reality and fiction. The spectator is invited to search along with them. And to find.

Adres: Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, 1080 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
Postcode: 1080

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