
Recensies, contactgegevens voor YogAma.zone



In YogAma.zone I offer you a yoga zone of private & group yoga sessions, yoga at your office,
as team building, ...
In YogAma.zone I offer yoga for Every Body, for Amazones, horse riders, Yoga with & on the Horse.


YogAma.zone stands for a zone of private & group yoga sessions, yoga at your office,
as team building, ...
YogAma.zone stands for Yoga for Amazones, horse riders, Yoga with & on the Horse.

Al mijn activiteiten zijn ook te organizeren op aanvraag!
All my activities can be organised on request and can be modulated to your needs.

I can teach in Dutch (native language), French, English and a little in Spanish.

I invite you to take a look at the "coming soon" webpages on www.yogama.zone where you can subscribe to get updates on my activities. Neem ook een kijkje naar de "Coming soon" webpagina's op www.yogama.zone waar je jezelf kan inschrijven om op de hoogte te blijven van mijn activiteiten. Meer nieuws volgt ...

Yoga makes you shine naturally from the inside out! Breathe out tension, breathe in wonder.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body”
I offer you gentle (beginners) yoga classes which will lead you into yoga with ease and joy through accessible and deeply working yoga exercises.


You don’t have to be flexible, you will gain physical & mental flexibility!
You don’t need an athletic body, you will gain physical & mental strength!
You don’t have to be zen, you will become zen!

Yoga is for Every BODY!

Through accessible & deep working yoga poses your body & mind will be able to tune in again into their natural state of relaxation so you can feel good in your body which makes you shine naturally from the inside out!

Breathe out tension, breathe in wonder.

You will learn basic classical postures and adaptations for your body, cues for a safe practice, breathing exercises, meditation, visualisation, ... some advice about health, food, …

My way of teaching yoga is based on my trainings and workshops of the teachings of TKV Desikachar, Agama Yoga, Tantravaya yoga and others but mainly in the Hatha yoga style.

Looking forward to meeting you,
Warm Greet-ings

Adres: 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32486585546
Stad: Brussels
Postcode: 1000

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Recensies, routebeschrijvingen en contactgegevens voor YogAma.zone.

Brussels alternatieve en holistische gezondheidsdienst

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