Recensies, contactgegevens voor European Liberal Forum
The liberal and pro-European foundation of the ALDE Party. Connecting Europeans with liberal ideas.
ELF brings together liberal think thanks, political foundations and institutes from around Europe to observe, analyse and contribute to the debate on European public policy issues and the process of European integration, through education, training, research and the promotion of active citizenship within the EU.
"The European Liberal Forum ELF is the official political foundation of the European Liberal Party, the ALDE Party. Together with 47 member organisations, we work all over Europe to bring new ideas into the political debate, to provide a platform for discussion, and to empower citizens to make their voices heard.ELF was founded in 2007 to strengthen the liberal and democrat movement in Europe. Our work is guided by liberal ideals and a belief in the principle of freedom. We stand for a future-oriented Europe that offers opportunities for every citizen.ELF is engaged on all political levels, from the local to the European. We bring together a diverse network of national foundations, think tanks and other experts."
Adres: Rue des Deux Églises 39, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
op zoek naar gerelateerd: Elf secretariat, Elf publications, Liberal reads, Milosz Hodun, ALDE, Brussels think tanks, Liberal International, Renew Europe
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