
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Airclima



Refrigerating Technology - Air Conditioning - Heat Pumps - Shop Design for the Flower Industry - All-in Projects Solar Panels


Flower Industry

Based on its past know-how about refrigerating out flowers, Airclima has evolved into a company that carries out all-in projects for the flower industry. A concept is developed in consultation with the customer that encompasses logistical, aesthetic and technical aspects, among others.
In essence, we provide high-quality, low-energy systems which can be supplemented with packages ranging from alert systems io heat recovery and solar panels. Through our maintenance and service department we otter our European customers a 10-year comprehensive contract for our systems.

Refrigeration For The Food Industry

We build insulated rooms for the storage, distribution and processing of food. We install refrigerating systems that are tailored to the needs of the product and modify older refrigerating systems to bring them into line with the present regulations and environmental legislation.

Adres: Veldkant 8, 2550 Kontich
Telefoonnummer: +32 (0)3 451 34 90
Stad: Kontich
Route: Veldkant 8
Postcode: 2550

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