
Recensies, contactgegevens voor YouBrandBuilder - Personal Branding / Business Succes

YouBrandBuilder - Personal Branding / Business Succes


Personal Branding, Business Success, Business Boost, Networking, Social Media, LinkedIn, Speaker, Blogger, Mentor, Coach. Free eBook www.youbrandbuilder.be


Hi, I am Greet Bunnens

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I hope I will be able to get to know you better too.

I have been a HR Interim Manager for more than 10 years delivering HR services to different companies.

Later on I created my own company HR-Vibe which is focused on HR consultancy to small and medium sized companies. I combined this with my role as Country Manager Belgium with an interim management agency.

In these roles I came across lots of Interim Managers, Consultants, Trainers, Coaches… all people very good at what they do.

But most of them find it difficult to sell themselves without feeling salesy or brand themselves without feeling a bragger, find it difficult to stand out in the crowd, find it difficult to attract clients and some of them have difficulties making ends meet.

Luckily I also meet freelancers who are already successful and want to take that next step. They want a break-through. But how? Where? What?

I was frustrated that I was not able to help these people when I was still country maanger, even though I had the business development / marketing / networking background and eagerness and passion to help them in depth.

I had to find another way…


“I help Interim Managers, corporate coaches, consultants, trainers… stand out from the competition via PERSONAL BRANDING in order to attract more clients and achieve business success.

How? By guiding them through my unique 5-step Personal Branding Program called BRAND©”

I am a small business owner myself and I know how scary and stressful it is to become visible to your potential clients and to look for new assignments.

And I know how it is to be stressed out creating a new company. I was really scared to get out there and become visible, to position myself and claim my place in the entrepreneurs world.

I was really afraid people would turn me down, or would think I suddenly became a bragger and a show-off. All my life I was told I shouldn’t make too much noise, work hard, be nice and that would be the key to success.

But that is just not good enough. You have to be visible to your potential client, how else will they be able to know, like, trust and more importantly buy from you? Right?

You just have to position yourself in a meaningful way! But not by becoming a fake, or a bragger.

Me, I wanted to build an integer honest personal brand while being true and authentic to myself.

And I want to teach others too. Thanks to my experience and skills in marketing, networking, business development and social media I am able to help you build your Personal Brand and become the authority in your field.

As a Master in commercial engineering I have a wide ranging view on company life. I completed my basic training with postgraduate credentials in HR and Finance management.

My motto is ‘lifelong learning’ so I have taken numerous courses and training in HR, Coaching, Sales, Marketing, Business Development…. I’m certified in MBTI and mediation.

Work/Life Balance

“Does that even exist when you are an entrepreneur?” people tend to ask me.

I admit, I have never worked so hard in my life then when I started my company. It has cost me blood, sweat and tears. I’ve had sleepless night, panic attacks. The whole shebang. I was afraid to fail, I was afraid to be successful. Pfew. Crazy when you are working on the project you are so passionate about, isn’t it?

So I have learned to take a step back once in a while, to relax and to enjoy the little things in life.

And that is what I want you to do to. I don’t want my clients to be overworked and underpaid. I want my clients to become successful with less effort which leaves them time to spend on what’s important to them!

I love my morning walks with my dog Lou, I love cuddling with my cat Bas, I love spending quality time with my husband, I love having great times with friends and family. I love to spend time on my hobbies: people, reading, interior design, photography, good food, …

And I love having fun!!!

My motto: “Don’t take yourself so seriously!”

My mission – My WHY

I want to enhuse, energize, excite freelancers & entrepreneurs so they bring out the best in themselves and their businesses. This allows them to flourish and experience the freedom to do things that really matter to them.
I spice up things with a touch of humor and fun! :-)

Have a look at my website www.youbrandbuilder.be

Adres: Paul Parmentierlaan 20, 8300 Knokke-Heist
Telefoonnummer: +32.478.39.02.69
Stad: Knokke-Heist
Route: Paul Parmentierlaan 20
Postcode: 8300

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