
Recensies, contactgegevens voor YES for Europe - European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs

YES for Europe - European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs


YES for Europe, the European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs, is the main association of young entrepreneurs representing around 60.000 members.


YES actively contributes to the promotion of the entrepreneural spirit in Europe and outside. It stimulates exchanges and network activity between young entrepreneurs, fosters cooperation and sharing of best practices among their national associations, particularly in the fields of education and training.

Our Objectives:

YES maintains an ongoing dialogue with the Institutions of the European Union in order to:

- Ensure that European Union initiatives reflect the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe;
- Promote policy measures that will facilitate business activities for young entrepreneurs;
- Collaboration with public authorities on the simplification of the business environment;
- Ensure that the conditions for establishing enterprises in the European Union remain homogeneous and favourable;
- Compare and assess the impact of the Internal Market measures on enterprises in the Member States;
- Foster easier access to information on European policy for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe;
- Encourage policies that will favour co-operation between different generations of entrepreneurs;
- Take a more active part in political debates and economic projects that aim at promoting European Entrepreneurship worldwide.

Adres: Avenue De Broqueville 40, 1200 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32 22803425
Stad: Brussels
Route: Avenue De Broqueville 40
Postcode: 1200

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Young Entrepreneurs Association, Jeune Young Entrepreneurs of the European union, Jeune entrepreneur, Jeune Europe, G20 YEA
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