
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Women's Working Group - WWG - IAF

Women's Working Group - WWG - IAF


The mission of the Women's Working Group is to work with IAF to assist women falconers around the world.


The mission of the Women's Working Group is to work with IAF to assist women falconers around the world, through education, promotion, networking and mentoring as we seek to practice the sport of falconry as a hunting tradition. To document and preserve the general history of our art as well as women's role within it. Many women have contributed to the history, methodology and community of Falconry worldwide. IAF's board and advisory committee includes women falconers and there are women falconers serving as national delegates on the IAF Council of Delegates.

For further information see list below or info@iaf.org

Adres: International Association of Falconry, Rue F. Pelletier 82, B-1030, B-1030 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: International Association of Falconry, Rue F. Pelletier 82, B-1030
Postcode: B-1030

op zoek naar gerelateerd: IAF Members, Falconry, Falconer near me, Falconry Australia, He Majid Al Mansouri, International association of falconry, Falconry license, Falconry Perth
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