Students in psychology, medicine, humanities in general, or of any other academic background are invited. The recently qualified psychologists are also welcome.
For all students in Europe who want to know more about the psychoanalytic perspectives on sexuality:
A 3-day trip throughout the History of sexuality, starting with Freud and ending in 2017, with new technologies.
Full of presentations, clinical examples, film and discussion.
In one of the most interesting cities of Europe: Brussels.
This conference is of interest for students at Universities especially in medicine, psychology and other cultural or language sciences.
All presentations will be held in English.
The conference is held from Thursday October 5th – till Saturday October 7th, 2017. Costs Euro 35.
Address: EPF Centre, Rue Gérard 35. Brussels, Belgium.
The conference registration form will be available on the EPF website, or by sending a mail to Frank Goderniaux, to get a registration form by mail.
Please register before 15th of September.
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