
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Vy Nguyen - Intuitive Energy & Sound Healer

Vy Nguyen - Intuitive Energy & Sound Healer


I help you navigate the ascension process through energy and sound healing. I am a channel for Key Codes of Light of cosmic origin bridging the 3D and 5D Earth.


Hi there! This is my personal page dedicated to spirituality, spiritual practices (yoga, meditation, etc.), energy work (qi gong, tai chi, etc.), holistic healing (reiki, sound healing, chakras & auras, etc.) and the mysteries of the universe (ancient civilizations, metaphysics, etc.)


Hi! Welcome to page. My name is Vy and I’ll be sharing my findings with you as I progress on my journey to spirituality, intuition, ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), etc.

Below, you'll read more about what led me to take on the spiritual path.

I’ve felt out of place for my whole life, and completely negated that feeling by doing my best to act normal, partly because I had nobody I could share my experiences with. Thanks to the Internet, I now know that many people feel the same way. So it’s my turn to contribute and I hope that by sharing my story, I will help other energy workers out there to develop their connection with the other side of the veil.

At 3 years old, I saw my deceased grandfather. You see, I was still a very innocent child and had never been confronted with death before. My grandpa had lung cancer and was staying at the hospital. He'd passed away and the hospital hadn't called home to tell us the news yet. I had no idea what cancer was or how fatal it was. So when I saw him home I just told my mum "Look, grandpa's there". But only I could see him. I told my mum 3 times that day. She got so freaked out she started to pray, asking him not to scare us if he wanted to come home and visit his grandchildren. He didn't reappear after that. A couple of hours later, the hospital called home to tell us he'd died.

So that was my first ESP experience. Although I don't remember it consciously, my mum was so freaked out I don't think she would be lying. She told me the story many times and how weird I was as a kid. I would talk about things I couldn't possibly know and say very strange things. I don't recall exactly either and my mum never told me in detail. I think I really scared her and that she saw me as some sort of extraterrestrial being.

For a long time, I believed that what I sensed and perceived was obvious to everyone else. Only later did I realize that I was the weird duckling out there. I remember for example that I would close my eyes and instantly float among stars. I would lose the sense of gravity and turn around in all directions with my head upside down. That was my kind of 'play' when I was a toddler, up until I was 6 or 7. I would just lie down and go to the stars – what I understand today as being 'astral travel'. I didn't run around like all the other kids. I felt very awkward in a body. I would often touch my arms, legs and body, thinking "what's this?". It took me some time before I got used to it, but when I did I lost my ability to go to the stars at will.

I was rather shy and introvert. Some people didn't understand why I wouldn't play and often made comments about my being 'weird'. The truth is I didn't understand the point of the other kid's games.

I grew up under quite challenging circumstances. My parents are Vietnamese migrants who had come to Belgium and were struggling to make ends meet to feed a family of four kids. Added to that were the traumas they had from the Vietnam War. And added to that was the very hierarchical patriarchal culture they had inherited. I grew up accumulating psychological and emotional wounds I couldn't understand for various reasons. I lived a childhood of blame, shame, guilt and humiliation. I think the first time I thought about death as a solution, I must have been 7 or 8. If I had to accept that my life did not belong to me, then it was a waste of time. I’d better not live at all. As a child, there was no way I could get out of the situation I was in, and I still intuitively remembered that death is not the end. But a human body is an extraordinary machine that is not easy to terminate at all, so I let go of the idea. It would be even worse to end up crippled and be dependent on others for the rest of my life. If you are reading this and going through hardship, I’m really not encouraging you to think of death as a solution. Today, I know that it would be a very foolish thing to do. You are going through hardship because there is a lesson you have to draw out of it. So if you choose to go now, you’d have to come back right away, maybe under even worse circumstances. You can’t skip the lesson. Anyhow, it took me over 10 years to unlearn all the toxic behaviors I’d developed over time and undo the damage.
Growing up I was experiencing telepathy, premonition, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance... I would see beings at my bedside in the morning during that short moment between sleep and wakefulness. I would dream of flying, of getting into pyramids up in the air, of Ancients entrusting me with the mission of teaching people how to fly, of space and time travels in crafts (very important was the belt that would allow my body to take on the journey), of encounters with beings, among other things. I had memories of places I had never been to and that I couldn't link to anything I'd known in this lifetime. And all this without ever taking any mind-altering substances.
At around 19, I did try to learn more about energy work but back then, I was still emotionally too unstable to develop my abilities in a positive way. I still had plenty of unresolved fears and could not distinguish between fantasy, fear and real intuition. What you attract always matches your energy vibration and I still hadn't cleaned up my emotional mess back then. I would sometimes attract negative entities or situations, which would scare me to death. As a result, I "shut up" from the other side and started working on myself for the next decade. I still experienced all of the above on a regular basis but just paid no attention.
Starting from my 30s it all accelerated and I experienced more and more synchronicity, dreams of encounters with beings, lucid dreams where I could fly at will – I even dreamed of being in 1600 on Mars in an ultra-modern society once –, grandiose solfeggio symphonies telepathically played in my head at night, and so on. At that stage, I was already more at peace with myself, so I decided to seek and try to understand what was happening to me. Among other things, I did a past life regression with psychotherapist Wil from Holistic Cyprus. This was a life-changing experience that helped me remember what I needed to know to start actively doing the work I came here to do.
So at the age of 36, I decided to take on a spiritual path, not only for myself, but also to be able to serve with enhanced abilities. Today, I know that I needed to go through all those challenges to better understand the human condition. This life is only the follow-up to the former which was much more challenging and painful. I realized I was very judgmental towards those who don't see, feel or are not as attuned to the invisible as I am. My belief was that humans are stupid retarded savages and even today, I often find myself thinking of humans as being a failure, especially when I read the news, or when I see people creating their own hell and not being aware of it. In short, I went through all this to strip my soul of this arrogance I karmically developed long ago, when I was an energy worker in charge of maintaining the vibration of the planet. We all failed and were not able to prevent humanity from destroying itself, which led me to despise humans for their stupidity. So I had to go through suffering and be veiled in order to understand the suffering of my fellow human beings and why it's so difficult to get out of karmic cycles. I had to experience suffering so I could experience emotional healing and understand what it takes to get there. I can only serve by loving humans – all of them, even the evil ones

In March 2017, I became a reiki practitioner when I received my Shoden level (first level) from Amanda Jayne. Follow this page and learn what I learn!



Telefoonnummer: +32 495 129 754
Stad: Brussels

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