Develop skills that matter you and your team. On auto-pilot.
"By using our AI technology, organizations working with a lot of internal documents, can connect all their internal drives and tools. This not only centralizes all data, but makes finding and using the information easier. The combination of AI and human curation makes for a unique partnership.Teams can improve their document creation process by getting access to all company knowledge. They’re not only finding what they were looking for, but the solution will also give them the information they didn’t even know they were looking for.No matter the setup of your current tools, the uman implementation can be adapted and used in your production environments without the need for huge changes or months of work.Get in contact now!"
1 km
Oisoi builds custom XR experiences and environments.
Vertaald door Google heeft een platform ontwikkeld dat organisaties helpt kennisbronnen vast te leggen en te delen. Het is geweldig om te zien hoe ze niet alleen de huidige leeruitdagingen aanpakken, maar ze aanvullen met een solide visie over hoe organisaties hun personeelsbestand moeten transformeren met deze AI-gestuurde tool. Geweldig bedrijf! Origineel has developed a platform that helps organisations capture & share knowledge resources. It's awesome to see how they not only tackle learning challenges that exist today but they compliment it with a solid vision on how organisations should transform their workforce with this AI-powered tool. Awesome company!
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