
Recensies, contactgegevens voor The Wicked PR

The Wicked PR


All over the place in PR, lifestyle and media


The Wicked is an Antwerp PR agency specialized in PR and social media for lifestyle brands, food, interior design and photography, and promoting local young talents. We hook you up with the channels you need, with the stories you are looking for. We provide made-to-measure solutions supported by extensive knowledge of all that is retail, fashion, trends , social media and the constantly shape-shifting media landscape.
We've been around for a while. Ask us anything.
Press releases, inspiring brainstorms, press conferences, bloggers events, product mailings, content creation, hugging influentials, parties, art shows, getting shit done and general ass-kicking are but a few of the things we can do. Ask us for more.

Pop Up Class
Savage Dining
Frank & Brut
and many more.

If you would like to receive press releases, please send an e-mail to: eva@thewicked.be

Please request a link to The Wicked's image bank:


"The Wicked is an authority on culinary PR. This Antwerp based agency is the brain child of PR strategist and trend consultant Saskia Neirinckx. We only work in tailor made programs for you, so we can custom build exactly what you need in your PR strategy.The Wicked also develops food trend hunts to London for professionals: an eye opening shortcut to what is about to break through in Belgium and advice on how to implement these insights in your business to make it future proof."
Adres: Solvynsstraat 3, 2018 Antwerpen
Stad: Antwerp
Route: Solvynsstraat 3
Postcode: 2018

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