Recensies, contactgegevens voor The Festival Academy
The Festival Academy is a non-profit organisation initiated by the European Festivals Association offering various training formats on festival management.
"The Festival Academy believes festivals are bridging platforms with a direct link to people and civil society structures. We believe a critical reflection between arts and cultural managers worldwide can bring about positive change, informed awareness, ideas and proposals for actions through personal human relations and based on knowing, respecting and tolerating different value and belief systems. We are a global community of today 737 festival managers from 100+ countries.We offer various training formats and peer to peer exchange on festival management to emerging, dynamic and passionate festival makers worldwide coming from all art disciplines and from very diverse geographical, cultural and social backgrounds."
"The Festival Academy believes festivals are bridging platforms with a direct link to people and civil society structures. We believe a critical reflection between arts and cultural managers worldwide can bring about positive change, informed awareness, ideas and proposals for actions through personal human relations and based on knowing, respecting and tolerating different value and belief systems. We are a global community of today 737 festival managers from 100+ countries.We offer various training formats and peer to peer exchange on festival management to emerging, dynamic and passionate festival makers worldwide coming from all art disciplines and from very diverse geographical, cultural and social backgrounds."
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