
Recensies, contactgegevens voor The European Institute for International Relations


The European Institute for International Relations was founded by Dr Mahmoud Refaat with a focus on all International political & Strategic subject


The European Institute for International Relations (EIIR) was founded by Dr Mahmoud Refaat with set of academics, former ambassadors and diplomats in London and has expanded to Paris and Brussels with a focus on all current and relevant issues relating to the international strategic, economic and political sphere. The chance to operate in the heart of Europe and on NATO’s doorstep gives us a unique window of opportunity to correspond with the European decision-making authorities. Furthermore, the nonpartisan character of the organisation allows us to interact with all those, individuals, organisations, and governmental agencies, involved in this international field.

The purpose of the Institute is to promote researches on International studies about many topics such as political subjects, strategic analysis, international law, European laws, international justice and main European and international organisations. In order to be able to react to the multitude of topics, we have decided to base our way of functioning in three main areas:


Research is the main activity of the Institute and forms the basis of our publications and conferences. The programme is divided by global regions and political themes. As experts in many fields of international policies, we can provide detailed, impartial and rigorous analysis for strategic advice and political-risk analysis to governmental, institutional or organizational clients.


EILPS publications include:

- Global-politics and strategy issues,

- International organisations,

- International law issues,

- Prominent international organisations,

- European law Studies,

- European Institutions.

Debate and Opinion

We give an opportunity to leaders and high-levels officials to discuss policies in private as well as in public. The Institute hosts conversations, workshops, conferences and events to analyse the impact of economic and financial tendencies on strategic relationships.

Adres: 222 Avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +3226444844
Stad: Brussels
Route: 222 Avenue Louise
Postcode: 1050

op zoek naar gerelateerd: European Institute of International Law and International Relations, European Institute for International Law and International Relations Internship, European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights
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