
Recensies, contactgegevens voor ASEFUAN



The Asia-Europe Foundation University Alumni Network (ASEFUAN) is alumni group of ASEF Summer University


The Asia-Europe Foundation University Alumni Network (ASEFUAN) is a grouping of friends from 51 different countries who share a strong interest in the promotion of inter-cultural relations between Asia and Europe.

ASEFUAN was founded in Bali, Indonesia in April 2002 by the graduates of the ASEF University, a programme which brings together some of the most outstanding students and young professionals in Asia and Europe.

ASEFUAN became an international non-profit organisation (Association Internationale sans but lucratif, AISBL) under Belgian law on 6 August 2009.

Our members are typically university graduates in the fields of Business, Economics, Law and Political Science. We currently have a membership of more than 600, however this is estimated to grow by about 40 a year.

We hold as our aims:

(1) the strenghtening of cross-cultural ties and the promotion of excellence within our membership
(2) the fostering of Asia – Europe relations at a grass roots or local community level

Our aims are realised through the organisation of academic, professional and social projects, both on a once-off and an on-going basis.

Adres: Avenue Louise 146, Bte 9, B-1050 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Avenue Louise 146, Bte 9
Postcode: B-1050

op zoek naar gerelateerd: ASEAN countries, ASEAN leden, ASEAN Statement, EU ASEAN summit declaration, asean-eu plan of action, ASEAN-EU Joint Statement, ASEAN joint communique 2023, EU-ASEAN Summit 2023
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