Tess De Meerleer Jewellery Design stands for quality and timeless design.
If the opening hours don't fit your schedule, you can easily make a personal appointment by mail (info@tessdemeerleer.be)
Parking Lamot
Guldenstraat 18, 2800 Mechelen
10 min. walk train station Mechelen
Shopping shuttle bus station Mechelen
Tess De Meerleer Jewellery Design stands for quality and timeless design. The jewellery line is created with the intention to offer attractive and sustainable jewellery for people that care about qualitative, unique and timeless design. The jewels are made with an aestethic sense and can be worn comfortably on any occasion.
All jewels are handmade in Belgium from a variety of beautiful gemstones, each of which is cautiously selected by the designer herself so that its quality and uniqueness are beyond all doubt.
Combining your unique style and the particular piece of jewellery that matches it, is an important journey. Some prefer to wear neutral colours while others tend to bright, vibrant colours, a choice driven by character and personality.
The designer herself will gladly assist you in choosing the design that matches best your personality and style. She can adapt the gemstones of the collection to your preferred liking.
Tess De Meerleer studied Graphic Design Illustration at LUCA School of Arts (Brussels) and Goldsmith - Jewellery Designer at Syntra Brussels. She continually experiments with new techniques and explores new ways for her designs.
All jewels are handmade by Tess De Meerleer and the gemstones are set by a professional stone setter.
Sterling Silver 925
Yellow Gold 18k 750
Rose Gold 18k 750
White Gold 18k 750
Some jewels are available in sterling silver gold plated 18k.
CERTIFIED by the royal belgium mint
All jewels are marked with imprints.
One of the marks proves the quality of the precious metal while the other mark proves that the jewel has been made by the designer.
All the gemstones are cautiously selected by the designer herself so that its quality is garanteed.
When receiving your order, the jewel is accompanied by a personal info chart with details of the gemstones.
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