SONNA Import/Export bvba
Van Immerseelstraat 1
2018 Antwerpen
P / +32 3 233 38 98
F / +32 3 226 20 83
E / info@sonna.com
Sonna started over 30 years ago as a small shop selling African Textiles. Over the years, the company has developed into an international company, supplying customers world-wide!
In Europe, we are the official distributor of Vlisco. We sell all the famous Vlisco products, like Superwax, Wax Block (or Hollandais), Java and many other products. Our head office is located in Antwerp, Belgium, where we have our expanded shop with a huge selection of the finest African textiles. Our sales staff is looking forward to meeting you in our shop, located 5 minutes from Central Station in Antwerp.
In 2007, Sonna opened a branch in Ashburn, Virginia. A new team was created to serve our loyal North American customers with the best guaranteed service. In the US, Sonna is the EXCLUSIVE distributor of Vlisco products. In Canada and the USA, we supply the finest designs and exclusive products offered by Vlisco. Already, we are the largest supplier of African textiles in North America. Sonna USA is conveniently located 10 minutes from Washington's Dulles International Airport. Feel free to call us for an appointment to visit our showroom and personally select from our warehouse full of quality African textiles.
We are also the supplier and creator of high-quality Sonna Duku headties. This exclusive Sonna brand is well known and used all over the world. We have a huge assortment of designs and colors. As supplier of African Textiles, we have completed our assortment with Ribbons, Seersucker, Osikani and Laces. We have an exceptional stock of beautiful, high- quality designs which you can see here on our website. We continue to add new designs and stay up to date with the latest trends.
After 30 years of experience, we have built a spectacular selection of magnificent African Textiles. We thank you for your trust in our company and are looking forward to providing you with the finest African textiles and service available to the industry.
SONNA Import/Export bvba
Van Immerseelstraat 1
2018 Antwerpen
P / +32 3 233 38 98
F / +32 3 226 20 83
E / info@sonna.com
W / www.sonna.be
« Parc de l’espace »
49 bis, rue du Commandant Rolland
93350 Le Bourget
P / +33
E / France@sonna.com
W / www.sonna.fr
Sonna African Textiles Ltd.
53 Wentworth street
London E1 7TD
United Kingdom
P / +44 20 724 72 759
E / Brendon@sonna.com
W / www.sonnatextiles.co.uk
Sonna USA Inc.
23475 Rock Haven Way, Suite #150
20166 Sterling, Va.
P / +1 703.858.0110
E / sales@sonna.com
W / www.sonna.com/us
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