Recensies, contactgegevens voor MID House of Diamonds
"MID House of Diamonds is one of the world`s largest and most respected manufacturers and distributors of polished diamonds, supplying leading jewelry retailers from around the world with a full range of supply. While the company is today counted globally among the top-10 polished diamond suppliers, we remain a family business in approach and temperament, committed to our founding principles of mutual respect, excellence and dedicated personal service. MID House of Diamonds is a company that never sleeps. With offices in eight diamond and jewelry centers, circling the globe, we have the infrastructure and resources that enable us to provide large, medium-sized and small specialty retailers with inventory that meets each one’s needs anytime."
Adres: Diamond Exchange Building Hovenierstraat 53, 2018 Antwerpen
Stad: Antwerp
Route: Diamond Exchange Building Hovenierstraat 53
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