
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Royal Military Academy of Belgium


The Royal Military Academy is the military university of Belgium. The school is responsible for the education of the officers of the four components of the Belgian defence . The school is located in Brussels in a building constructed by the architects Henri Maquet and Henri Van Dievoet. The courses are given in French, Dutch and English.There are two faculties The Polytechnics faculty: Master of science in engineering sciences; comparable to the French École Polytechnique The Social and Military Sciences faculty: Master in Social and Military Sciences The Royal Higher Institute for Defence, the highest military academic institute in Belgium is also located at the RMA campus .AdmissionAdmission to the University is only possible through public exams. First, candidates have to pass military test common to all Belgian military categories (Medical, Endurance and physical tests, and a psychologic evaluation). After passing these, applying students have to compete with each other in public exams. These consist of mathematics and French & Dutch written language tests. The University can only accommodate a certain number of student each year (rough estimate: 150/year) (strongly influenced by the need for officers of the Belgian military). Applying students have to compete with each other for these limited places.

Adres: Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels

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