
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Proscan PURE

Proscan PURE


Prosthetic driven dental implantology; supplies, structures and advice. http://www.proscan.be/


ProScan was founded in 2002 and was originally a Belgian family company. The initial outline of the founders, i.e. constructing an 'open digital platform' within the growing CAD/CAM market, has consequently been followed through to implantology in the broadest sense of the word.

Today, ProScan practices the PURE philosophy. This four letter acronym encompasses the core elements of our philosophy.
P: Patient drive solutions - ProScan offers multiple solutions to the same case, keeping in mind the needs and expectations of a patient.
U: Universally - At ProScan, we try to offer you products that are universally applicable or have a high compatibility with other products. This ofers you the possibility to do more.
R: revolutionary - ProScan strives to find the newest techniques in dental implantology, to help you even better in those challenging cases where nothing seems possible.
E: Exclusive - As a CADCAM specialist, ProScan produces custommade structures designed specifically for your case. Furthermore, ProScan is the supplier of some exclusive and unique products such as Southern Implants' Co-Axis or Max implant, and Bonecare's TSA abutment.

ProScan offers you its expertise and knowledge.

Adres: Eikenenweg 71, 3520 Zonhoven
Telefoonnummer: 003211822650
Stad: Zonhoven
Route: Eikenenweg 71
Postcode: 3520


Maandag: 10:00 - 12:00

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