
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Bonecare Dynamics

Bonecare Dynamics


BoneCare Dynamics offers a revolutionary dental abutment: the Titanium Shock Absorber.


BoneCare Dynamics is an international company with its roots in Germany and Belgium. We produce a unique abutment for use in dental reconstructions, based on dental implants.

The TSA abutment, with its unique resilience, is designed to compensate for tension caused by rigid implants and their superstructures. This tension can create different practical problems, such as, for instance, the breakage of prosthetic screws or the breakage of ceramic or acrylic teeth.
The TSA abutment is universally applicable to every implant system.

In all cases, a TSA abutment will compensate for tension and stress as a result of chewing forces or as a result of a misfit between prosthetics and the implants.

In implant-borne bridgework connected to a natural element, the TSA abutment ensures that the movement between the periodontal ligament and the rigid implant is synchronised.

The result is a continuous and even distribution of the chewing forces on the completely independent bridge supports. In certain cases, the number of implants can be reduced and expensive and time-consuming bone augmentation can be avoided.

The use of TSA in implant borne bridgework (not connected to natural elements) provides the patient with a more natural feeling in comparison to the fixed and rigid connection of bridgework on dental implants.

In overdentures, the pressure points are reduced to a minimum by the resilient character of the TSA abutment. Here, the TSA will function much more as a shock breaker, absorbing high chewing forces and protecting the prosthetics.

Greater chewing comfort, less maintenance, better bone quality, fewer pressure points and a broader indication area… TSA guarantees a patient-friendly solution. This unique and revolutionary concept is available for the most common implant platforms and, for the trating dentist, is very easy to use.

Adres: Eikenenweg 71, 3520 Zonhoven
Telefoonnummer: 011822650
Stad: Zonhoven
Route: Eikenenweg 71
Postcode: 3520

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