P-Agency is connecting models & talents in fashion and entertainment with leading brands while providing a superior service with a personal touch.
At P-Agency we do not hold open calls. All of our interviews are by appointment only. The best way to get an appointment is to follow these 3 guidelines and email your submission.
1) Your 4 photos:
- Professional photos are not necessary, digital pictures with a solid colored background will do (e.g. a white wall or door, as long as there are no distractions in the photos)
- We would like atleast one clear head & shoulders close up image and one full length image of your body in a form fitting outfit or swimwear.
- Please show us what you look like at your most natural and relaxed way without posing.
Do not wear: Make up, jewelry, sunglasses, heels or hats.
- Please don’t email files that are too large; each image should be maximum 1MB
2) Your measurements:
- Please also mention your height, hair color and color of your eyes. Your height should be measured in bare feet.
3) Your contact information:
- When you have selected your 4 best pictures and taken your measurements, please provide your contact information in your email: Full name, date of birth and telephone or mobile number.
- You can email your photos and your measurement info along with your contact details to:
All information will be treated confidentially. If you are under 18 years old, it is very important that your parents are aware of your modeling goals.
We will contact you personally and respond to your submission within 10 working days.
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