
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Footworxx Bookings

Footworxx Bookings


FOOTWORXX is taking care of artist bookings. For full artist list go to http://www.footworxx.com/bookings/


Footworxx, with their HQ in Belgium, has built a deep-rooted network in European soil through the years, and has enforced a standard in the scene. A refuge for the ones that crave unpolished kicks, BPM crescendos and disturbing noises. Like a box filled with kicks and breaks inside, defined with acceleration resulting in total chaos.

It can’t get crazy enough when it’s up to Footworxx. They have been around for more than 10 years now and bringing uptempo and energetic, industrialized beats from the underground in the broadest possible sense. An energetic blend of hard techno and industrial sets the mood for a crazy nights.

Because they feel that their sound is different from what others usually are about, they believe it’s important to create a plaform to bring the unknown artists to the foreground and they do it with a lot of flair and variation. The artist management and booking agency is providing worldwide representation for some of the most talented DJs and producers in the electronic underground dance music industry.

Artis requests : bookings@footworxx.com

Adres: 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Postcode: 1000

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Footworxx facebook, FOOTWORXX merchandise, Footworxx La Fabrik
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