
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Nocions : Pain research at UCLouvain

Nocions : Pain research at UCLouvain


The research activity of NOCIONS aims at a better understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of pain in humans.


The research activity of Nocions is organized along two axis: (1) research on the physiology of the nociceptive system in humans (in particular, the cortical processes underlying the perception of pain) and (2) research on the pathophysiology of the nociceptive system in humans (in particular, the peripheral and central mechanisms leading to chronic pain).

Various techniques are used such as electroencephalography, transcranial stimulation, neuroimaging, psychophysics, cognitive psychology and neuropsychology.

Nocions is made of 4 sections.
The first section, headed by André Mouraux, aims to characterize the neuronal functioning underlying nociception and pain.

The second section, headed by Valéry Legrain, aims to investigate the cognitive processes involved in nociceptive processing and pain.

The third section, headed by Emmanuel Hermans, has developed an expertise in the use of animal models to study nociceptive functions, such as plasticity of the nociceptive pathways.

The fourth section is a clinical section gathering medical doctors of the university St-Luc Hospital, and involved in research activities related to the development and the management of chronic pain. This section involves different medical specialization such as physical and rehabilitation medicine, anesthesiology, neurology and neurosurgery. .

Adres: Avenue Mounier 53, 1200 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Avenue Mounier 53
Postcode: 1200

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