
Recensies, contactgegevens voor nexxworks




nexxworks helps companies regain the fluidity and radical innovation they lost as they grew.

"Nexxworks INSPIRES organizations to ACT on their Day After Tomorrow. We help corporates thrive by INSPIRING them with extreme examples of exponential change, immersing them in front-seat EXPERIENCES with top innovators around the world and ACTIVATING their own internal RADICAL innovation team. We focus on YOUR people, because only THEY can drive your innovation and infect the rest of your team.We inspire YOUR people. Only THEY can drive your innovation and infect the rest of your team:We inspire them with perspective-shifting keynotes, books and blogsWe help them experience how innovation pioneers succeed in our bootcamps and toursWe trigger your innovation team in stimulating workshops and online education programs"
Adres: Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808 bus 331, 9000 Gent
Telefoonnummer: +32 477 34 93 84
Stad: Ghent
Route: Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808 bus 331
Postcode: 9000

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Nexxworks memberships, Nexxworks ecosystem tour, Nexxworks bootcamp, Mission ox
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Ik droom er nog steeds van om mee te gaan op een van hun innovatiereizen. #digitale #innovatie
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