Moof is the Museum of the Original Figurines in Brussels near the Grand Place! Our brand new Museum is opening the 28th september 2011.
"Where Comics come to life !The Brussels Comics Museum will immerse you in a private collection of figurines from the world of Belgian comics Tintin, Spirou, Astérix and Obélix, The Smurfs..., American comics Spider-Man, Batman... and many others.You will also find these characters in other formats: with video games, explanatory videos or during a projection of cartoons in a period movie theater.This immersive, sound/visual experience will appeal to the whole family. It will bring back many memories for adults and will also be suitable for the youngest: the visit is easily accessible, with very visual and colorful displays. Trip Advisor awarded the Moof the certificate of excellence in the year 2014 to 2020."
Musée du Capitalisme
432 meter
Studenten van VUB die daar feestjes geven, precies alsof covid niet bestaat
Na bilheteira foram cobrados três bilhetes para duas pessoas. Cuidado aos restantes visitantes. A funcionária tentou conversar connosco durante o pagamento e tive que solicitar o recibo. Infelizmente, já não fomos a tempo para pedir o reembolso. Three tickets for two people were charged at the ticket office. Caution to the remaining visitors. The employee tried to talk to us during the payment and I had to ask for the receipt. Unfortunately, we were no longer in time to ask for a refund.
Como era um museu de quadrinhos em Bruxelas, eu esperava algo muito mais profundo pelo preço que paguei 10€ para menores de 24 anos, mas a visita é curta menos de 1h e desinteressante, com apenas algumas miniaturas e dos Smurfs, Asterix e Tin Tin. Caso esteja esperando algo imersivo, com curiosidades sobre as obras e coisas do tipo, essa visita não é para você.
Duur voor wat het was! Alles in Frans, dus voor onze Vlaamse kinderen enkel kijken naar beeldjes. Traag doorgelopen en na een half uur terug buiten. Dure 50euro voor ons gezin... veel andere musea goedkoper en meer de moeite! Kinderen tsn 8 en 13Bezocht opWeekendWachttijdGeen wachttijdReservering aanbevolenNee
Coleção privada de bonecos de banda desenhada. Tem uma grande variedade de bonecos de banda desenhada belga e não só.Bezocht opWerkdagWachttijdGeen wachttijdReservering aanbevolenNee
Kleinschalig maar leuke Museum. Tijdens corona was er geen interactief spelletjes voor de kleinsten maar mijn zoon van 5 heeft toch er van genoten.
Se você curte Smurfs e está com tempo, vale a pena dar uma passada para conhecer esse museu. Bem legal.
Leuk om daar rond te lopen, en toch veel te weten komen over de strip figuurtjes. De kindjes vonden het fantastisch
Het is een fijn, klein museum. Er kwamen verschillende figuren aan bod en men vermeldde leuke anekdotes. Zowat inside-information. Het is goed te doen met kinderen. Ik vind de toegangsprijs wel hoog voor de omvang van het museum en ik was dus blij met de aanschaf van mijn museumpas
Lugar mágico Um encanto Para todas as idades Equipe de funcionários muito gentisBezocht opWeekendWachttijdMaximaal 10 minReservering aanbevolenJa
Leuk museum om eens te doen. Allemaal beeldjes enzo van stripfiguren.
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