
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Liedekerke


Liedekerke is a municipality located in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant. On January 1, 2006 Liedekerke had a total population of 11,920. The total area is 10.08 km² which results in a population density of 1,183 inhabitants per km². Liedekerke means "church on the little hill."HistoryFrom the Carolingian era until the 11th century, Liedekerke was a part of the Shire of Brabant. Around 1056-1059, Baldwin V, Count of Flanders acquired the northwestern part of the village as a fief from the German emperor. This county ranged from the Scheldt and Dender rivers and also encompassed several other villages along the Dender, among which was Liedekerke. The name "Liekercke", which means "church on the little hill", was first drawn up as part of the county in 1092.The fortress of the dukes of Brabant was near the Dender, on the land of Denderleeuw, with which it formed a lordship. Between 1796 and 1815, during the French occupation, Liedekerke became part of the department of the Dyle and in 1815 it became part of South Brabant.Notable inhabitants Karl Heeremans (1937-2010), painter (1944-), singer Jonas Heymans (1993-), footballer

Adres: Liedekerke
Stad: Liedekerke

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