
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Journalismfund.eu


Journalismfund.eu stimulates cross-border investigative journalism in Europe.


Journalismfund.eu vzw (formerly known as Fonds Pascal Decroos voor Bijzondere Journalistiek vzw) is an independent non‐profit organisation established with the purpose of stimulating in-depth independent journalism in Europe.

Why we exist
Business and trade take place across borders, political decisions are made on an international level, criminal networks operate transnationally. Stories don't stop at the border, so journalists shouldn't either.

An increasing amount of stories today are too big to be investigated by individual journalists operating as so-called lone wolves. More than ever in journalism teamwork is paramount. Transnational stories cannot be told without local journalists who are willing to collaborate. However, cross-border investigative journalism does not fit into any traditional business model. As a result, journalists who want to tackle the stories that matter often don't get the chance to do so.

That is where we come in. Journalismfund.eu makes it possible for journalists to investigate stories thoroughly and independently, by operating as a firewall between donors and journalists.

What we do
We support journalists who have good ideas for in-depth and cross-border research. We focus on two ways of doing so through our activities.

The first is by giving working grants to journalists that enable them to work on a project over a longer period of time. We have different grant programmes, such as the European Cross-Border Grants, the Flemish Pascal Decroos Fund Grants and the Intercontinental Connecting Continents Grants (pilot project).
The second is by providing networking opportunities for the investigative journalism community to share ideas and methods. Our main focus there is our annual Dataharvest Conference, where investigative journalists, data specialists and coders get together to exchange skills and work on stories together.
Who funds us

We are an independent non-profit organisation, relying on financial support from multiple funders. Recent Journalismfund.eu funders include Adessium Foundation, Open Society Foundations, the Flemish Government, Oxfam Novib and the Fritt Ord Foundation. Find a more detailed overview of our funding here.

We welcome individual donations in support of our work.

"Facilitating independent cross-border investigative journalism by connecting donors and journalists in order to promote democracy on the European continent"
Adres: Leopoldstraat 6, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +3227055919
Stad: Brussels
Route: Leopoldstraat 6
Postcode: 1000


Maandag: 09:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 09:00 - 17:00

op zoek naar gerelateerd: IJ4EU, Journalism conference
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