Founded in 2004, Jan Dhaese Gallery is an art space dedicated to the promotion of contemporary painting, drawing, video, installation, performance, photography, collage, music and print.
Founded in 2004, Jan Dhaese Gallery is an art space dedicated to the promotion of contemporary painting, drawing, video, installation, performance, photography, collage, music and print.
Alongside organizing in-house exhibitions of represented artists and actively promoting them to collectors, institutional and freelance curators, critics and scholars, Jan Dhaese Gallery publishes and releases high quality art editions and limited edition publications on regular bases.
The gallery represents emerging and established artists from Belgium, U.K., Romania, Moldova, Sweden and U.S.A. The gallery is a yearly participant at Volta New York.
For more information please contact Jan Van Woensel (gallery curator) at or Jan Dhaese (gallery owner and director) at
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