
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Intams



INTAMS is dedicated to the study of and dialogue about the meaning and relevance of marriage in the context of contemporary society.


Working Principles

Academic & Interdisciplinary

INTAMS engages in academic study and dialogue, cooperating with universities and other academic institutions around the world. INTAMS promotes the interdisciplinary dialogue between theology and philosophy on the one hand, and the human and social sciences on the other hand, which all contribute to the understanding of marriage in its various interpersonal, social, and religious aspects and in its intrinsic spirituality.

Independent, ecumenical & international

INTAMS' work is characterized by academic freedom and its openness to honest and critical intellectual inquiry. Rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition, INTAMS' approach is open to and includes contributions from all Christian traditions. INTAMS brings together scholars and research results from different countries and cultural backgrounds.

Integrating theory & praxis

INTAMS' activities are maintained by and directed towards those who are engaged in the various professions and disciplines that study and support married life. INTAMS is committed to promoting dialogue and mutual exchange between researchers and practitioners, by fostering the integration of theory and praxis.

"INTAMS is* A Centre for Teaching and Research* A Source of Knowledge and Information* A Reference for Scholars and Practitioners* A Forum for Exchange and Dialogueon marriage, families and spirituality"
Adres: Steenweg naar Grote Hut 158, 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode
Telefoonnummer: +32-23599202
Stad: Sint-Genesius-Rode
Route: Steenweg naar Grote Hut 158
Postcode: 1640

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