
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Grote Markt


The Grote Markt of Leuven, Belgium is situated between the Oude Markt and the Rector De Somerplein and near both the Bondgenotenlaan and the Muntstraat .Its location on the crossing of some of Leuven's most famous and most touristic spots makes the Grote Markt one of the city's busiest squares. However, it has been pedestrian-friendly for some years; only public transportation buses from De Lijn are allowed to use the square.BuildingsThis location is one of the oldest and most historic in all of Leuven. The square has existed in its present form since the 14th Century, when the Catholic University Leuven, or K.U.Leuven, was established. Most of the square's buildings are built in the Gothic style, of which the town hall is a prime example.Other buildings on the Grote Markt are the Church of St. Peter and several guild houses. As throughout Leuven, there are also many pubs, taverns, and eateries on the Grote Markt. There is a significant contrast between the more formal and traditional style establishments on the Grote Markt and the more trendy, youth-oriented and student entertainment spots on the nearby Oude Markt.EventsThe Grote Markt is often used for cultural and other events, as is the case for Leuven's other big squares, such as the Oude Markt and the Ladeuzeplein (Ladeuze Square),

Adres: Leuven
Stad: Leuven

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Grote Markt Leuven horeca, Grote Markt Leuven parking, Grote Markt Brussel, Oude Markt Leuven uitgaan, Grote Markt Lier, Grote Markt Leuven cafés, Bouwstijl Stadhuis Leuven, Vrijthof Leuven
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