Furore is a Belgian fashion brand that wants to inspire women to build a stylish and conscientious wardrobe that strengthens their unique personality.
Furore is all about discreet luxury, for women who prefer an elegant, natural style with refined details that make the difference. Furore caters to active, assertive women, who like a sleek, feminine style. The brand creates elegant women’s apparel, shying away from uniformity and striking the perfect balance between on trend and functional styles. The quest for timeless designs has given rise to a series of contemporary styles, from high-end professional business attire to a more informal style. The signature style of Furore women’s fashion is exclusive, but the wearer adds the final twist. This is completely in line with Furore’s philosophy, in which style, shapes and subtle colour combinations will make an indelible and lasting impression, albeit always with restraint. Come discover this unique collection in our flagship store in Sint-Martens-Latem or order it online through our webstore.
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