Alter Era is the womenswear label by designer-duo Alicia Declerck and Zhanna Belskaya. Created in Belgium and crafted in Europe with care.
Alter Era is the fashion label by the designer-duo Alicia Declerck and Zhanna Belskaya. The two cultivate a common ground as to aesthetics and philosophy. By merging complementing skills and disciplines in fashion, they bring forth a wardrobe between lucid elegance and modest luxury. Their designs tell the story of an “ALTER” world and different “ERA". Their silhouettes are both tailored and fluid, with an interplay of distinguished cuts and print-placements. The textiles they develop are characterized by a smooth interweaving of organic images in geometrical patterns.
The Alter Era Woman is a thinker, a dreamer and an idealist. Never still, her burning curiosity sends her on a quest to explore the underlying meanings and hidden beauty of the world she inhabits.”
Selling Points:
Momento By Gaya
Rue de Namur 79A, 1000 Bruxelles
Cachemire Coton Soie
Rue Franz Merjay 53, 1050 Bruxelles
Dresscode 1
Wijnegemsteenweg 39D, ‘S-Gravenwezel, Antwerpen
Nina van Remoortel
Leopoldstraat 20 , 2000 Antwerpen
Vismarkt 1, 3000 Leuven
Dušní 3, 110 00 Prague
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