Informing young people about ways to experience the world.
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European Youth Portal:
Informing young people about ways to experience the world.
Visit us at
European Youth Portal:
"Eurodesk has offices in 37 countries and a network of more than 2100 partners. In those centres/offices the Eurodesk multipliers carry out Eurodesk's mission which is to raise awareness among young people on learning mobility opportunities and encourage them to become active citizens.We also organise a yearly campaign named "Time to Move" in the whole month of October.The Eurodesk network provides young people with support and information about actual mobility opportunities. Furthermore, we offer international training opportunities, national support and regular meeting opportunities as well as free access to learning mobility information for young people in collaboration with Erasmus+ Scholarships, Internships, Grants, etc."
Adres: Rue aux Fleurs 32, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
op zoek naar gerelateerd: Eurodesk turkiye, Europe youth programs, European Solidarity Corps Login, Youth travel Europe, European grants, Discover EU group, Which one of the below Youth actions involves opportunities for volunteering, Discover EU volunteering
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