
Recensies, contactgegevens voor EITCA Academy

EITCA Academy


EITCA Academy - European Information Technologies Certification Academy


The European Information Technologies Certification Academy (or EITCA Academy in short), is an implementation of the official EU Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) upon the Europe 2020 Strategy in IT competencies certification and information society professional skills dissemination worldwide. EITCA Academy is run in Brussels under management of the European Information Technologies Certification Institute EITCI, an accrediting body. The goal of the EITCA Academy is to provide international framework for professional IT competencies formal evaluation and confirmation with adherence to quality standards and overcoming access barriers. EITCA Academy is not limited to the European Union, quite on the contrary, it creates an opportunity to individuals worldwide to develop their IT competencies and confirm them with professional certifications in the European Union, under the EU managed standard. Thus EITCA Academy is characterized by a new approach, alternative and complementary to classical professional education and training, as it enables anyone in the world to study under the EITCA/EITC programmes and obtain formal accreditted certifications in professional Information Technologies issued in Brussels within a fully on-line Internet conduct, on the same terms globally and without need to travel and study in Brussels physically, thus limiting all associated costs. EITCA Academy is jointly operated fully on-line by EITCI Institute in Brussels (certification governing body) and EITCI accredited CompLearn Ltd. implementing technical infrastructure.

Adres: Avenue des Saisons 100-102, 1050 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Avenue des Saisons 100-102
Postcode: 1050

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