
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Calypso Networks Association


Calypso is the electronic ticketing standard which defines the secured dialogue between cards and terminal


Calypso Networks Association (CNA) based in Brussels gathers operators,
authorities & suppliers implementing Calypso. Calypso technology, world
leading specification for microprocessor cards in transport, is an open
technology issued from an EU Project, to assure a high security level for
contactless transactions and to provide technical interoperability between
networks assuring multi-services providers environment. Widely spread with
more than 100 implementations in Europe & Overseas, Calypso offers
multi-sourced compliant products, and is available as applet on new
portable objects: mobile phones, USB keys, Java cards etc.

Adres: Rue Royale 76, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +3225153155
Stad: Brussels
Route: Rue Royale 76
Postcode: 1000

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Calypso card, Calypso standard, Calypso documentation
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