
Recensies, contactgegevens voor BioQuest Alliance

BioQuest Alliance


Waste processing facility, plastic to fuel.

"BIOQUEST ALLIANCEBioQuest will turn plastics, surplus food and biomass into electrical power, biofuel and other raw materials.BioQuest will operate on a CO2-neutral basis.NO TIME TO WASTEAn important challenge for a sustainable future is the recycling of waste.BioQuest Alliance combines the knowledge of companies from different fields and countries into a whole new kind of factory.A green factory for the benefit of all."
Adres: Graaf van Egmontstraat 15 bus 1, 2800 Mechelen (stad)
Telefoonnummer: +3215204450
Stad: Mechelen
Route: Graaf van Egmontstraat 15 bus 1
Postcode: 2800

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