BEDDRU provides figurative painting excellence worldwide. Many of the artworks are part of important private collections. Check to display the available works and useful information about the technique, the creative process and events
"Italian self-taught painter Beddru has distinguished himself in contributing conceptual insight to the course of contemporary art by embracing experimentation of non-traditional materials, such as thick superposed plexiglas-panels. His figurative pictorial subjects are “unconformably” represented through ink-based mixed media, applied via reverse painting technique, inspired by Italian painters from the 1600s. By developing a variation of this technique, Beddru focuses on the use of vivid pigments to create a striking vibrancy as a distinctive trait of his style. The eye of the observer is simultaneously caught by both a fascinating chromatic balance and the mystery of enigmatic figures, who from the depths of a mythological past, bring sec"
Adres: Rue de la Charite 6A, 1210 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
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