
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Young European Leadership

Young European Leadership


YEL is dedicated to empowering future leaders and decision makers from Europe and beyond! For more, check www.younglead.eu


YEL aims at promoting knowledge among young adults of the European Union by connecting them with European officials. The participation of young people in international summits teaches them the arts of negotiation on contemporary global issues. YEL aims at fostering the political participation of Europeans. Our mission is to enable young adults to engage actively with critical issues that shape our world today, and thereby equip them to realize their potential as global citizens. By doing this YEL builds up on the work of its forerunner organization “Youth AEGIS”.

Adres: Boulevard Anspach 169, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Boulevard Anspach 169
Postcode: 1000

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