
Recensies, contactgegevens voor WorldWide Indoor Soccer Police Association

WorldWide Indoor Soccer Police Association


[email protected]
WISPA is firstly an association of friends
Office phone: +3210233215 - fax: +3210233255


WorldWide Indoor Soccer Police Association (international headquarters page)

The history of WorldWide Indoor Soccer Police Association (WISPA) started
in 1998. The ‘WAVREPOLICE2000’ event was a brillant success and thanks to the encouragement, the motivation, the investment, of each and everyone. The first world event in 2000 proposed to the participants from 28 different nations sports, culture and professionnal aspects, and an unforgettable souvenir of Wavre and of Belgium. The spirit of friendship was formed and it's the invisible thread that has kept the members together during the years. WISPA is synonymous for its heartfelt family.
This event has many different aspects held during one week in the host country. We have a opening ceremony parade with officers in uniform, a five-a-side soccer, a police congress, various cultural activities and the most important event is our phylanthropic activity.

A short history of WISPA. The first event held in Wavre in 2000 attended by delegations from 28 nations including Malta. This was such a great success and friendship was formed and this is the basis of WISPA today. We have held this event with great success in Spain (Barcelona) in 2001, Barbados (Bridgetown) in 2002, South-Africa (Durban) in 2003, Canada (Ottawa) in 2004, Brasil (Porto Alegre) in 2005, France (Lyon) in 2006, China (Beijing) in 2007 , Ukraine (Crimea) in 2008, New-Zealand (Auckland) in 2009, back to Belgium (Wavre) by popular demand in July 2010 for the 10th anniversary (as in 2000 with the support of the E.U.), Russia (Moscow) in 2012, Brasil (Rio de Janeiro) in 2013, Jordan (Amman) in 2014, Poland (Krakow) in 2015 and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo) last year in 2016.
So, we consider ourself a family which has proven its multiculturisim, its common cause, its independence and of course its intolerance towards any form of discrimination, be it race, colour, religious or political.

The importance of friendship between the police of different countries, the brotherhood of policemen is growing year after year.
Our gatherings have varied and since 2003 we have distinguished our efforts with our philanthropical orientation. The money donated for seriously sick children will be ever present in our events. We are very proud of this approach and it will continue. :)

Stad: Wavre

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