Recensies, contactgegevens voor What The Frame Studio
Specialized in visual storytelling, WTF Studio is your point of contact for excellent results. From development to production, our company is here to transform your ideas into a striking visual rendering. Explore our site to discover our services.
"José María de la Cuadra Osborne founded FRAME after 8 years with the B2AI exclusive partnership. Since founding his practice in 2010 he has won a number of architecture competitions and commissions in Europe. The practice has completed a wide variety of commissions in Brussels and Spain, which include Public, Educational, Commercial and Residential buildings. It has also built up an expertise in securing important planning permissions. Frame’s work revolves around the notion that Architecture is a unique art form in which emotions and functionality come together in each and every project. Our firm explores the infinite relationships between art, architecture, place, space and site.Our projects develop through dialogue with our clients and c"
Adres: rue d'Enghien 16, 1080 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Vertaald door Google Excelente architectenteam aan wie ik zeer dankbaar ben voor hun werk. Vooral vanwege hun grote esthetische gevoel en omdat ze erg betrouwbaar zijn. We hebben 2 appartementen gedaan met José María en zijn team en ik ben zeer tevreden. Ik raad ze echt aan. Origineel Excelente architect team to whom I’m very greatfull for their work. Specially for their great esthetic sense and being very reliable. We have done 2 apartments with José María and his team and I am very satisfied. I truly recommend them.
Vertaald door Google Geweldige ervaring! Renovatie van een appartement op tijd opgeleverd en zoals we hadden gevraagd. Flexibiliteit tijdens alle werken en geweldig personeel! Origineel Great experience! Renovation of an apartment delivered on time and as we requested. Flexibility during all the works and great staff!
Vertaald door Google Zeer goed project. Creatief en betrouwbaar. Op tijd geleverd. Fantastische ploeg. Origineel Very good project. Creative and reliable. Delivered on time. Fantastic team.
Vertaald door Google We hebben Frame gecontacteerd voor de herinrichting van ons kantoor en alles is perfect verlopen! Origineel Contactamos con Frame para el rediseño de nuestra oficina y ha sido todo perfecto!
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