
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Vrije Universiteit Brussel


The Vrije Universiteit Brussel is a Dutch-speaking university located in Brussels, Belgium. It has three campuses: Brussels Humanities, Science and Engineering Campus (in Etterbeek), Brussels Health Campus (in Jette) and Brussels Technology Campus (in Kaai).The university's name is sometimes abbreviated by "VUB" or translated to "Free University of Brussels". However, it is an official policy of the university not to use abbreviations or translations of its name, because of possible confusion with another university that has the same translated name: the French-speaking Université Libre de Bruxelles.In fact, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel was formed by the splitting in 1970 of the same Université Libre de Bruxelles, which was founded in 1834 by the Flemish-Brussels lawyer Pierre-Théodore Verhaegen. He wanted to establish a university independent from state and church, where academic freedom would be prevalent. This is today still reflected in the university's motto Scientia vincere tenebras, or Conquering darkness by science, and in its more recent slogan Redelijk eigenzinnig, or Reasonably opinionated. Accordingly, the university is pluralistic — it is open to all students on the basis of equality regardless of their ideological, political, cultural or social background – and it is managed using democratic structures, which means that all members – from students to faculty – participate in the decision-making processes.

Adres: Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: 02/629.21.11
Stad: Brussels
Route: Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Vrije Universiteit Brussel bekende alumni, VUB, We are VUB, VUB opleidingen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel adres, VUB Campus, VUB aanmelden, VUB Etterbeek
Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Students For Climate VUB Students For Climate VUB 0 meter Climate Action group for students (VUB)
Studiekring Vrij Onderzoek - VO Studiekring Vrij Onderzoek - VO 0 meter Studiekring 'VO' is een studentenvereniging die het grondprincipe van de Vrije Univer...
Human Ecology Programme VUB Human Ecology Programme VUB 0 meter The specialisation Human Ecology deals with the complex and varied systems of interac...
Musée des Plantes médicinales et de la Pharmacie de l'ULB Musée des Plantes médicinales et de la Pharm... 0 meter Le Musée est installé dans les locaux de la Faculté de Pharmacie de l’Université Libr...
Geography of Research in Europe & Territorial Policy Innovation Geography of Research in Europe & Territoria... 0 meter More information available on www.nfdotti.me
Studentenraad VUB Studentenraad VUB 13 meter De studentenraad verdedigt de belangen van de studenten en geeft vanuit dit oogpunt d...
Mechanics of Materials & Constructions - Vrije Universiteit Brussel Mechanics of Materials & Constructions - Vri... 39 meter Geweldige plek om te werken!
Researcher Training & Development Office VUB Researcher Training & Development Office VUB 39 meter The Researcher Training & Development Office is the contact point for all (prospectiv...
VUB DSh Network VUB DSh Network 39 meter Toffe universiteit! Het personeel is heel vriendelijk. Er zijn ook veel faciliteiten ...
Institute for European Studies - VUB Brussels Institute for European Studies - VUB Brussel... 193 meter Study Europe in its capital at Vrije Universiteit Brussel www.ies.be
Vesalius College Vesalius College 193 meter Vertaald door Google Ongeorganiseerde klassen. Origineel Disorganized classes.
Vesalius College International & European Law Vesalius College International & European La... 193 meter The Department of International and European Law offers the only English-language und...
Summer School on EU Policy-making Summer School on EU Policy-making 197 meter Two weeks of intensive study on the European decision-making process, geared towards ...
Imec - SMIT, VUB Imec - SMIT, VUB 262 meter SMIT - Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology. The research centre, founded in ...
Artificial Intelligence Lab Brussels Artificial Intelligence Lab Brussels 262 meter Is a excellent site for work and study with a very cozy and quiet environment. Full o...
Wtnschp Wtnschp 346 meter Wetenschap in en uit Brussel gebracht door de Vrije Universiteit Brussel en Erasmusho...
ULB-Faculté des Sciences ULB-Faculté des Sciences 400 meter "La science consiste à passer d'un étonnement à un autre". Aristote
Toffe universiteit! Het personeel is heel vriendelijk. Er zijn ook veel faciliteiten en de parking is zeker en vast een pluspunt als je van ver komt.
Super mooie campus en overal vriendelijk personeel restaurant, cafetaria, infopunt,....
Super groene campus in Elsene /Etterbeek van zowel VUB als ULB.
Schitterende studeer en werk omgeving op een groene campus.
Vriendelijke mensen met veel kenis
Zeer modern en nieuwe gebouwen
Zeer leuke campus!
@dirkdevroey goed bezig
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