Our exhibition space does not aim to be an oasis. Our presentation is living like the world outside of the museum walls.
The Verbeke Foundation, founded by art collectors Geert and Carla Verbeke-Lens, is a private art site which first opened doors to the general public on June 1st of 2007. As a ‘refuge of arts’ the domain offers chances to young / less renowned artists and holds an impressive collection of modern and contemporary art. Culture, nature and ecology go hand in hand in the Verbeke Foundation. With 12 hectares (29.7 acres) of scenic area and 20,000 m² (4,9 acres) covered spaces, the Foundation is one of the largest private initiatives for contemporary artthroughout Europe.
Entrance fee:
€12 / adult
€10 / student
gratis / children below 14 years old
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