Sanskrit Belgium offers traditional chanting, studies and mantra meditation events from the Vedic and Śāktā traditions. Classes are designed for new and experienced Sanskrit enthusiasts and practitioners.
BTW/TVA #: BE 0833.200.801
Sanskrit chanting is an empowering complement to the positive effects of your yoga practice and a great way to learn the correct sounds of this divine language. Chanting forms the very basis of studies in Sanskrit Belgium, where classes are taught using "Shruti Parampara" (repeating after the teacher), integrating correct pronunciation practice with the authentic and sometimes strict rhythm of important texts such as Ganesha Mantras, Lalitha Sahasranama, Vishnu Sahasranama, Yoga Sutras, Shanti Mantras, Bhagavad Gita and Vedic texts.
These classes do not require any previous Sanskrit or chanting experience.
Classes to learn the alphabet, script and grammar with the intention of deepening the chanting practice or understanding important texts better will also be organised.
Some of these classes may require you to have an existing chanting practice or some basic Sanskrit knowledge.
Contact for class schedules.
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