
Recensies, contactgegevens voor University of Antwerp Management School


The Antwerp Management School is the University of Antwerp's autonomous business school. It is located in the historical center of the city of Antwerp.The school offers twelve master programs and more than sixty short or long-term executive programs on a variety of subjects. The majority of students at Antwerp Management School come from abroad, which reflects the global perspective of the school.HistoryAntwerp Management School was established in 1959 as the "Instituut voor Postuniversitair Onderwijs ". In 2000, the school changed its name to Antwerp Management School and became an independent organization within the University of Antwerp. All postgraduate management programs and management master programs from the University of Antwerp were transferred to Antwerp Management School.AccreditationsInternational accreditationsAACSBThe University of Antwerp is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) for its economic programs at the Faculty of Applied Economic Sciences and Antwerp Management School and was the first Belgian university to acquire this accreditation. With over 500 accredited members (about 60 outside of the US), AACSB is the oldest (1916) and most authoritative accreditation organization in the world.AMBAIn 2015, Antwerp Management School obtained the AMBA accreditation for their Executive MBA in association with IBS.Regional accreditationNVAOThe Antwerp Management School master trainings have been accredited by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation on the basis of the AACSB- accreditation. With this NVAO acknowledgment on the basis of an already acquired international accreditation, the University of Antwerp is a firstling among the Belgian universities.

Adres: Antwerpen
Stad: Antwerp

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Antwerp Management School prijs, Antwerp Management School Ranking, Business School Belgium, Business School Antwerpen, Vlerick Business School, Flanders Business School, Business School Gent, EHSAL Management School
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Vertaald door Google Deze managementschool is helemaal niet geschikt voor Aziatische studenten. Er is een taalbarrière, ook al worden de vakken in het Engels gegeven. Engelstalige managementfuncties vereisen Nederlands of Frans lezen, schrijven en spreken. Aziaten zijn afhankelijk van puur geluk of steun. De school zal je niet helpen bij het vinden van een goede consultancy baan betaald of onbetaald of project. Nederlandse studenten zijn raciaal en erg slim. Nederlanders vinden dat ze de Engelse taal goed beheersen in vergelijking met de Britten. Wees voorzichtig en word niet geselecteerd in die groep met een hoge Nederlandse bevolking. Geloof de Nederlandse of Franse spotters studenten niet eens in je consultancy project bij AMS. Praat met Paul, hij is een goed mens. Maar de lokale bevolking Nederlanders is goed en kalm van aard. Origineel This management school is not all at all suitable for Asian students. A language barrier exists even though the subjects are taught in English medium. English speaking management jobs demand's Dutch or French read, write and speak. Asian have to depend on sheer luck or backings. The school will not help you to find a proper consultancy job paid or non-paid or project. Dutch students are racial and very clever. Dutch feels that they have a good command on the English language compare to the British. Be-careful and don't get selected in that group which has a high dutch population. Don't even believe the dutch or the french specking people students in your consultancy project at AMS. Speak to Paul, he a good person. But the local peoples Dutch are good and have a calm nature.
Vertaald door Google nbchemengg_rs Universiteit van Calcutta. Meneer/mevrouw, Verwijder uw beoordeling, want ik ben al door de directie van AMS aangeklaagd dat u namens mij handelde, hoewel ik u niet persoonlijk ken. Plaats geen beoordelingen die mijn academische carrière in gevaar kunnen brengen. Origineel nbchemengg_rs University of Calcutta . Sir/Madam, Please take down your review because I have already been charged by the Management of AMS that you acted on my behalf although I do not know you personally. Don't post any such review that may jeopardise my academic career.
Vertaald door Google Niet aanbevolen voor internationale studenten. Zelfs de faculteit spreekt af en toe Nederlands in de klaslokalen. Het is geen internationale managementschool meer. Veel succes daar als je maar Nederlands spreekt Origineel Not recommended to international students. Even the faculty speak Dutch on and off in the classrooms. It’s not anymore an international management school. Good luck there if only you speak Dutch
Vertaald door Google Prachtige gloednieuwe campus. Iedereen is heel lief voor elkaar. Geweldig personeel en professoren. Origineel Beautiful brand new campus. Everyone is very kind to eachother. Great staff and professors.
Vertaald door Google Geweldige school voor managementstudies Origineel Great school for Management studies
Vertaald door Google The place to be voor Master in Real Estate Management Origineel The place to be for Master in Real Estate Management
Vertaald door Google CEIBS zakelijke major is OK Origineel
Vertaald door Google Geweldige school, trots om alumnus te zijn Origineel Great school, proud to be an alumnus
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Routebeschrijving naar University of Antwerp Management School met het openbaar vervoer

Antwerpen Sint-Jacob 90 meter
Antwerpen Sint-Jacob 120 meter
Antwerpen Jezusstraat 250 meter
Antwerpen Sint-Katelijne 360 meter
Antwerpen Meir Metro 390 meter

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