
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Travi@ta



Travi@ta CRM for Insurance carriers is a solution developed by Realdolmen to fit the unique processes of CRM users the in Insurance industry.


Travi@ta helps Insurance Carriers achieve CRM success by bringing together the ideal combination of the market leading CRM platform, an industry focused software solution & our Insurance industry consulting expertise.

We start with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, known CRM leader, used by 6.000 Financial Services Companies and their 1.000.000 users worldwide. It’s also the only CRM platform with native integration with the office productivity, collaboration and communication tools that Financial Services professionals use every day.

On top of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we deliver Travi@ta, a CRM solution for Insurance Carriers developed by RealDolmen. This solution is tailored to fit the unique processes of CRM users in the Insurance industry and has been built upon years of experience helping Insurers to successfully implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM. With each new project, we listen and we learn. From that experience, we crafted a solution including industry metrics and workflows that improve the quality of each implementation.

Adres: A. Vaucampslaan 42, 1654 Huizingen
Telefoonnummer: +32 2 801 55 55
Stad: Huizingen
Route: A. Vaucampslaan 42
Postcode: 1654

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