
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Trade for Development Centre

Trade for Development Centre


The Trade for Development Centre, implemented by Enabel (the Belgian development agency), aims at promoting fair and sustainable trade as well as Aid for Trade.


The Trade for Development Centre is a programme of BTC (Belgian Development Agency) to promote Fair Trade, sustainable Trade and Aid for Trade.

This Centre has three main missions:

- It is the centre of expertise on Aid for Trade, Fair Trade and sustainable trade. It collects, analyses and edits information (opinion polls among consumers, market studies…).
- It coaches a working group of the “Business for Development” platform, which supports the private sector.

The Trade for Development Centre supports producers’ organisations. It supports marginalized producers, micro and small enterprises as well as social economy projects that are embedded in Fair Trade or sustainable trade.
- Strengthening of organisational, technical and productive capacities.
- Transmission of relevant information (about the markets, existing certifications …)
- Advice in strategic marketing and market prospection

The Centre sets up campaigns and develops awareness-raising tools for consumers, economic actors and Belgian authorities.
- the Fair Trade week (www.weekvandefairtrade.be & www.semaineducommerceequitable.be )
- Presence at different exhibitions, fairs
- www.befair.be Internet site

Adres: Rue Haute 147, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32 (0)2 505 37 74
Stad: Brussels
Route: Rue Haute 147
Postcode: 1000

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