
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Tielt


Tielt is a Belgian municipality in the province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Tielt proper and the villages of Aarsele, Kanegem, and Schuiferskapelle.HistorySome traces of Gallo-Roman occupation have been found in this area. The area was invaded by the Viking Rikiwulf of the Wulfing dynasty in 880, who built Rikiwulfinga-haim, which survives as the Rijkegem-kouter today. The first written mention of Tiletum, however, dates from 1105, when Baldric of Noyon, Bishop of Tournai, awarded the right of presentment for the parish church to the chapter of St Salvator in Harelbeke. In 1245, Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders gave the city its charter and decided to found a hospital here. A few years later, a market place and cloth hall were built as well. Like neighbouring Roeselare, Tielt was made part of the Kortrijk province of Flanders. In the 13th and 14th century, the economy of most Flemish cities was based on the cloth industry, while the rural areas lived on the products of agriculture.

Adres: Tielt
Stad: Tielt

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