
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Theoceanroamer


THEOCEANROAMER blogs and discusses topics related to the marine environment, diving and tourism industries. Founder of the Dive Professionals network.


Henri is a Captain - Diver - Consultant, and has been an ocean aficionado since he moved to the North Sea at age 10.
He was lucky throughout his colorful career so far to have worked for, and with the most influential people in his industry; some of which he calls friends.
Under various pseudonyms, and a slight case of online split personality, Henri aka. THEOCEANROAMER blogs and discusses topics related to the marine environment, diving and tourism industries.
With a combined follower base of over 20,000 followers and growing daily over his combined networks, he takes a critical and analytical look at developments that concerns professionals, consultants and marine professionals worldwide.
Creating more awareness, sharing tips - resources, challenging popular beliefs and instigating discussions and ultimately hoping to drive overdue change.
He is a passionate, experienced executive consultant and business developer. Speaks 8 languages writes in 5, and besides being an active marine professional, a seasoned sales and marketing executive. Management Consultant, teacher, environmentalist, sailor, mariner, surfer, writer, designer, builder, underwater sea-scaper.

Telefoonnummer: +32499363897
Stad: Brecht

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