
Recensies, contactgegevens voor The Crossroads of Life

The Crossroads of Life


Find our who you really are, what you really stand for and choose the path you should take. This is The Crossroads of Life


5 years ago, I was in a place I really didn’t want to be in. I felt I had drawn the short straw in life, I was being rejected by everyone, no-one was listening to me, no-one cared. I had lost confidence in myself, I had lost my self-esteem, and I was beginning to believe that I wasn’t good enough anymore, that approaching 60 years old really was the beginning of the end ….
I lost my job in 2012 when I was 58 years old …….. that was a tough time. That was when my self-esteem took a blow. That was when I kept hearing “You know you are told old to get a job, don’t you” over and over again ……. It took me some time, nearly a year to be exact, a year of doubt, emptiness, wondering what I was going to do, watching TV, reading books, knitting, doubting again and round and round we would go. Until I decided I had had enough. I decided this wasn’t going to be the life I was going to lead. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I knew I was going to do something.
I was sick and tired of having this empty feeling inside of me. I had no self-esteem, no self-worth left. I had dug myself into a deep, deep pit ……. And I didn’t know how to climb out …..
That day – I’m not sure how it happened – but I decided that I was going to climb out of that pit, and I was going to show the whole world that I could do what everyone said I couldn’t. I was going to get back into action and I was going to make a difference in this world because I had so much to give and so much to offer.
But I also knew I couldn’t do it by myself. I knew I had to get some help. And so I started to invest in myself. I invested everything I had, in fact everything WE had many times over. I have invested around $40-50,000 dollars up to date. This was money we didn’t have, but we found ways to get the money and turn life around. It is when you have your back up against the wall, when there is no other choice that you find a way out. I am sure you know what I am talking about.
It has taken me 5 years from that fateful day in 2012, and many difficult days, lots of uncertainty. But today I have become the woman I have always wanted to be. I have built my life on the foundation of what I believe in, on the foundation of my core values. Today, I have put together all the steps I took to get here today, and I am going to show you exactly what I did to live the life I live today. I have called this programme The Crossroads of Life and the steps I took, the steps YOU will be taking is called A New Horizon for a New Life.
The first Module of this programme is called What Matters Most. I will take you on a journey to rediscovering your values, the core values which will show you how to build a fulfilling life on the foundation of your values. The only way there is to build a fulfilling life.
What Matters Most is also an e-book, which you get for free when you sign up. It is also a series of Teleseminars and Webinars, a self-study programme, live events and of course weekly coaching and support from me. It is also a Facebook Support group which you will automatically become a member of, where you can get together with like-minded women also looking to build a fulfilling life based on the solid foundation of your core values.

Adres: Waver
Telefoonnummer: +32488776636
Stad: Wavre

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