
Recensies, contactgegevens voor The Bosquet Residence

The Bosquet Residence


We are the owners of a house in the Rue Bosquet / Bosquetstraat in Saint-Gilles (Brussels). We offer apartments in our house for rent.


We are Goedele Van kerkhoven and Siegfried Nijssen. We are owners of a small apartment building (maison de maître) in the Rue Bosquet / Bosquetstraat, Saint-Gilles (Brussels). We rent out part of our building. This page allows you to contact us both at the same time.

"We create beautifully furnished cohouses for our colocs where they can feel at home, build long-lasting friendships and become part of our continuously enlarging Coloc Community."
Stad: Sint Gillis

op zoek naar gerelateerd: House share belgium, House share Brussels, Colochousing, Co living Brussels, Coliving Ghent, Huart Hamoir
Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Permanences occupations Permanences occupations 845 meter Lieux d'occupations temporaires à Bruxelles
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